Sunday, 5 August 2007

Back in Blighty...

Well I have been a real lazy bastard by not updating for a while. I have been in the UK for about 4 weeks now. The most exciting news is that Drgaoman have offered me a job and I hope to begin my 3 months training in Suffolk around the start of October.

I had a fantastic time during my two weeks in Debenham, I seemed to fit in with the people at Drago straight away. My two week assessment also took me to two festivals to help market the company, WOMAD and Lovebox which were both fun and interesting.

I can hardly wait now to return to start. The only slight problem is in sorting out a UK bank account, apparently my HSBC account of 5 years ago was closed as a bad debt and I may have difficulties opening another even though I have paid off the debt straight away. Hopefully I can get this sorted out before I leave but the British banking system is so antiquated and crap that I highly doubt it.

I am staying with an old school friend, Stephen Greenfield in his flat at Kilburn Park, London, just chilling out on the couch after a BBQ last night at another Kiwi's place and a few beers.

It is a beautiful day in London, don't really have too many plans for the last week I am here except for sorting out my bank account.... I need to save my cash as much as possible for my return here in a couple of months. Hopefully I can stayhere for a few days which would be nice.

Not much else to report

Quote of the moment

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain