Monday, 14 May 2007


I work only one day a week due to my being a full-time student. This Saturday just gone when I got to work I was told some very sad news. A co-worker of mine, Brian, had passed away the previous week. Brian had worked the previous Saturday, complained of a headache on Sunday and gone to his doctor, things escalated quickly and after a scan he was told he had a brain tumor and they needed to operate immediately. Brian underwent brain surgery on Sunday night however he lapsed into a coma following the surgery. Brian's family decided to take him off life support three days later and he passed away peacefully.

I didn't know Brian very well but he was a vital man in his early forties who had an active lifestyle and was well respected by everyone tha the worked alongside. I'm not sure if he had kids but I had met his wife at work functions. Brian's death really has made me think about how fragile life really is. At any moment your own life, or the life of those close to you can be taken away with little or no warning. Brian's passing really emphasises to me how very important it is to follow your dreams with a passion and not put things for a future date as there is a chance you may not be around. It is very sad to hear about the death of people before their time. Brian your passing has affected me strongly, my condolences to your friends and family.

RIP Brian.

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Quote of the moment

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain